Hi! This is Carlos Fenollosa. Some weeks ago I registered for the GUADEC and today I payed the attendance fee, so now it's final. I'm going. I live JUST next to the UPC, and I'm willing to help as a volunteer. City tours, organisation, whatsoever. BTW, I use Ubuntu (dapper in my laptop, hoary in my desktop) and my main relationships with the free software are the translations of some projects into Spanish (liferea, beep-media-player) and advocating for FS in my blog and my podcast. How could I think that the GUADEC were going to deploy just a minute from my home? So... greetings, and see you soon Carlos -- Greetings from Carlos Fenollosa Bielsa (Topopardo) My weblog: http://weblog.topopardo.com Because privacy matters, consider using my PGP public key: 0xEE6097FC
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