[guadec-list] Printed program content


This week Sara and I are going to start working on the printed program.
She'll animate the debate in Marketing will i'll do it here as I prefer not
sucribe to this list to not loose focus on periferal stuff that might occur
on that list. I still I have a lot of mail behind (not Guadec related though ;-) )

First we should define the format. Two options :
* A5 : small form, fit in the pocket, low content.
* A4 : magazine factor form, not a journal but yet can be filled content
* A3 : journal form factor, need lot of content to not feel "cheap"

If we want the program to stand by itself, we need to do it in A5 IMO.

If we want to integrate within a special edition of the Gnome Journal,
A4 or A3 would do it. But it would need content, much more than
for a standalone pocket, do we have time ? I'm not sure.

Maybe we could reuse older article of Gnome Journal, and organise
them by track or perspective.

Any though ?
-- Ludovic Danigo

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