Re: [guadec-list] Football: GNOME - Rest of the World

About the futbol thing.  :)

- Infrastructures: I'm the infrastructures guy - tell me what do you
think guys and I'll try to get it. I tell you, this is Futbolandia and
the only limits are set by your legs. See - smaller fields available, just
decide the type of game you want to play.

- Organization: We need someone in charge of organizing this, a local or
at least someone with fluent Spanish. Álvaro del Castillo offered
himself "para lo que sea". Álvaro, confirm please.  :) When I say
"organize" I'm not saying the game in the middle of the field, we talk
about getting 2 teams, find the perfect time for the match, making sure
we have t-shirts and trophies and so on. We will involve the local club
owning the venue, or whoever, for the details (i.e. sound system, the
bar, etc).

- GNOME Team: we have no president and no mister. The players will
decide who is the captain, not the GUADEC Committee. All I can say is
that I'm born in Barcelona and I'm used to see top football teams with a
Catalan captain and then most players from somewhere else.  ;)
Bastien, Dave, Álvaro, Rodrigo... I recommend you to start making noise
in the forum, the Planet etc to get the players you need.
ALSO someone needs to contact Rest of the World and help them get
organized, why not via the forum as well.

- The ball. An important element. I suggest to buy two top quality and
nice-looking balls to be signed by all the players and be raffled at the
end of the game. The procedure of this is known: you sell the numbers in
the entrance, during the break and in the bar. At the end of the game
you get the winners and <applause>. The money got will be used to fund
the next <preferred local sport> match in the next GNOME event againt
the Rest of the World.

Quim Gil /// |

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