Re: [guadec-list] schedule

Hi Quim,

Quim Gil wrote:
Dave, are you still around these days?

I've been working 12 hour days, and all my spare cycles have been going into chasing down sponsors for LGM.

A papers schedule based on the timescale in last year's would be great. I hope that's the only thing people are waiting for?

In terms of a sponsorship timetable, we need to start fundraising now. If you have a CivicCRM module in that Drupal install we should use that for tracking where we are.

After the meetings with Vilanova,
STSI and the local team we definitely need to have such schedule even if
it's an earliest uncomplete version. Could you do this, if only by
translating last year's schedule to this edition?

Will try to find the time to do it during the board meeting this evening.

One important thing to consider is that most keynotes and relevant parts
of the GUADEC content need to be defined as soon as possible and not
just few weeks before the event

Keynote invitation needs to start early, and really someone needs to head up that effort and co-ordinate at most 2 or 3 people. In previous years Anne Oestergaard did this, perhaps she can give us some idea of how she went about it?


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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