Re: [guadec-list] Re: Barcelona report

> both things can be parallel, with one room or two for general audience
> talks, and smaller rooms for planning sessions. I think both are
> compatible, and make both kind of people attending (general, hackers)
> take good advantage of GUADEC.

Saturday and Sunday (and even Friday afternoon-evening) are good days
for local people wit a general interest in GNOME and also people from
Spain and the cheap-flight-connected Europe.

During the week the attendants expected are probably mainly insiders
(developers and the like) and professionals (people paid by the company
to be there).

I'm sure we can find activities for all of them.

For instance, I'd like to mobilize the local LUGs to organize
GNOME-based install parties, introductory workshops, etc. The GNOME
Hispano people are interested converging with the GUADEC. The weekend is
perfect for this, non-European people arriving later and/or jetlagged
are not essential for these activities.

BOFs and similar activities of projects mainly European can take also
advantage of this weekend.

We can even find a smaller venue(s) in social spaces or universities for
local warming up in Friday and even Thursday.

Then from Monday you have way to go with the (hard)core activities,
leaving always one track for professional/business/institutional people
popping up from the IGC.


   \|/  interactors              |
  \|/    |_ activant xarxes      |
 \|/     |_ activando redes      |
 /       |_ activating networks

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