Hi, I'm trying to create some debs for gtranslator from svn. With some digging to figure out all the dependencies for all plugins I've managed to make (almost) all of them work. The only one that I can't figure out all the dependencies is the dictionary plugin. I'm building the debs on Ubuntu (intrepid) and the "gdict" package does not exist, although I guess its on gnome-utils. But adding gnome-utils to dependencies doesn't build the plugin. Any ideia about what I'm missing? Another issue I'm having is translations. The menus and dialogs are showing partially translated. Might this be a bug or am I being dumb? Thanks and keep up the excellent work! -- Cheers António Lima --------------- www.blog.amrlima.info
Description: Esta =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9?= uma parte de mensagem assinada digitalmente