[Gtranslator-devel] Re: CVS snapshot tarball + debian package out... also with dbg version!

On 26 Jun 2003, Fatih Demir wrote:

> Dag, would you make a CVS snapshot RPM out of the tarball so that I can
> take it from your webspace and then also upload it to out files' page on
> sf.net? Would be nice :-)


It would be easier for me if the version of CVS snapshots follow the 
normal versioning rules. SO instead of

	0.99	->	1.0CVS-2003-06-26	->	1.0

it would be much better to do

	0.99	->		->	1.0

So that it is obvious for a packaging system which comes after which.
Now I have to rewrite it as follows:

	0.99-0	->	1.0-0.cvs20030626	->	1.0-1

So I'd rather do

	0.99-0	->	->	1.0-0

And not have to internally rewrite version and release which is pretty 
time-consuming and is useless waste of time ;)

It would also be easier if a link to the tarball was inside the mail, so 
that I don't have to fire up a browser, click, download, move to another 
destination, copy filename into SPEC file, etc... ;)

Anyway, a new package is available. You have to use ftp if the mirrors 
aren't updated yet.

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag wieers com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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