Re: [Gtranslator-devel] Re: Some usability comments on gtranslator 0.39

On Sat, 2001-10-06 at 03:18, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> Hm, you mean the grouping is not a good solution? I like it, there are some small problems with it but these can be solved though (Kevin ,-)).
>     Special shortcuts allow you to go to the
>     	- next fuzzy
>     	- next untranslated
>     	- next fuzzy or untranslated
>     	- next message (any type of message, just for completeness)
> You mean keyboard shortcuts? There are all present currently (except the > 3rd case -- 
> but something like that could be integrated); if we would/could find some icons for these cases 
> I'd be happy to add such buttons, menu entries .-)

Yes, that is keyboard shortcuts.
Ok, if you file a bug I'll possibly add a "Next fuzzy/untranslated" action button/menu entries.. Currently kabalak makes some voodoo.. Psst, don't look into utils.c .-)
>     Benefits
>     	- keeps "vi" translators happy...
>     	- help to identify from previous/next messages what the current message is about.
> Hm, you mean something like a more contextual view? That's a bit hard to do: how to integrate 
> something like that in the GUI? The messages table isn't mandatory (you can turn it off in the 
> prefs to save memory + CPU time), even for people without the messages table all important elements
> should be visible.
> If you can provide me a GUI-al idea how to do contextual views / what you wanted to see for an 
> example GUi element en detail I might be a bit more enlighted ,-)

Some programs offer contextual view by showing the respective .c source code of the current message. 
In some cases this is useless since translated messages are sometimes grouped together in special .c files.
What I mean is that the order of the messages in the .po file is typically the same with the order 
they appear in the source code. Thus, if messages are shown in their actual (as stored in the .pot file) 
sequence and not grouped together, it would help to discern what a message should mean from
the previous and next messages to it.

If you need to translate
	msgid "Stones"
you would put "stones" as in the object.

If it was
	msgid "Stones"
	msgid "Mines"
	msgid "Glines"
you would know by the "context" that these are GNOME games.
Ok, then my idea below isn't something that bad I guess .-)
> kabalak is currently thinking about something like a popup element for the prev./next messages contents.. 
> Maybe too crazy?

As long as they do not distract the translator. Especially, they should not steal the keyboard focus.. :)
Heh, of course not.. Popups are supposed to do that, but we can work around this.. I'm just creating ideas how to something for this functional points.. Hmm, maybe another pane between the comment & original string pane which is like:
< Previous msgid | Next msgid > ?
> If you scroll fully down to the first message you will see that the first message is physically really marked -- 
> that's a problematic issue of the table we should fix. If we would insert the messages in the right order
> (first - first, last - last), then this won't be an issue at all as the marking is done and you'll probably see 
> then the marked first message in the table .-)

ok, this explains the order issue and why when you press "Next" it goes backwards, to the previous message.
Isn't there an option to "append at the end" of the list? It looks that the entries are put at the beginning of the list.
Yes, this is an internally coding issue.. Maybe Kevin could help here, as it is his area .-) It shouldn't be togglable, it should just work fine in the right order.. It wasn't critised that much yet surprisingly.. Heh.
>     3. Keyboard shortcuts
>     The "Next untranslated" and "Next fuzzy" commands go backwards.
> Uhm? They ought to go backwards if necessary -- the next fuzzy message
> could be the (example!) 13th message and you're at the 475th message: in
> this situation the next fuzzy is at 13, and therefore gtranslator moves
> to there.

Hmm, suppose the list is like this

and "three" is highlighted. When I press "Next", message "two" is highlighted. 
This is not I would personally expect to happen. As you explained above, it's a "workaround" 
to the problem of having the messages put in the wrong order, first message in .po file as last in the list.
Yes, to be more exact, it's an issue while building the messages stable/grouping. A simple reversion of the messages
list (internally in code) caused some problems but I'm not very familiar in the ETable/ETree area. It could be very easy to fix..
> Right, I tried it now.. Must say that this is quite weird for me.. Hm, aren't the Ctrl+Arrow Keys 
> intuitive for navigating through the messages?! I could enhance the keyhandler to also accept the Ctrl+P/N
> keys but that would be a hack -- if you want this, I'll do it. No problem..

If Ctrl-P/Ctrl-N are available outside the "local box", then they should be available in the "local box".
It's a law in HCI :) (human-computer interaction).
Perhaps these e-mails should be CCed: to gnome-i18n for a second thought.
Hm, yes, maybe, but it has got to do with my way of hardcoding the current keyboard shortcuts into the code. It's
not a direct bug, but many people were against using Ctrl+/N/P (they were the shortcuts for navigation long ago (-5/6 months?!). If I could see to check the custom keybindings from the GNOME libraries easily, maybe then I'd also be able to let them work inside it .-)
>     Ctrl-Shift-LeftArrow/Ctrl-Shift-RightArrow: These are used to select from the current position until the begining/end of text.
>     The Shift button is currently ignored, thus it works like Ctrl-LeftArrow/Ctrl-RightArrow.
> Oh yes, this is really due to my custom key_press handler. Would you file a bug for this on
> ? This is definitely a heavy bug.

Just reported it. Thanks again,
Thanks. I did assign it to me already ,-)
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