Re: when we can delete a class derived from Gtk::Window or others

Hi Klaus,
On 17/2/22 13:00, Klaus Rudolph <lts-rudolph gmx de> wrote:
I want to create some windows on demand with "new". If the user closes
the window, when I can call delete on that class derived from
Gtk::Dialog or Gtk::Window?
void on_hide() override
             std::cout << "Hide event" << std::endl;
             delete this;    // is it safe to delete our self here?????
I tested you example and it works whenever the user closes the windows in the reverse 
order from creation. But, what happens if the user closes the parent window first? 
In that case, the destructor of the child window won't be called and this isn't safe 
because you are using raw pointers instead of smart pointers.
On the other hand, bear in mind that new windows can be created from both the parent 
and the child all over again. Therefore, I guess that you should use a weak pointer 
together with a shared one to keep track of the nodes in the tree.

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