Re: Gtk::Treestore buildable appending data?

On 12/24/21 3:38 AM, Roland Schwarz wrote:
Dear all,

is this a place to ask gtkmm usage questions?

If so:
I am trying to append data to a GtkTreestore which is defined in a buildable description ui file.
I can successfully load the GtkTreeStore from the ui file, but cannot 
figure out how to add data to the store. The only way coming close (no 
complaints during compile) is
  auto treestore = m_refBuilder->get_object("treestore");
  m_treestore = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore>::cast_dynamic(treestore);
  auto iter = m_treestore->append();
  iter->set_value(0, Glib::ustring("test"));

The definition in the ui file is:
  <object class="GtkTreeStore" id="treestore">
      <column type="gchararray"/>
      <column type="gchararray"/>

During runtime, however I get a lot of assertions, dealing with type issues as far as I understand, and nothing is displayed in the treeview widget.
Can anyone point me to a worked example please?

Thank you for caring,

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