Re: In Gtkmm-4.0, the height-for-width feature in treeview cell rows is back again ?

Missatge de David Gasa i Castell <dgasacas7 gmail com> del dia dv., 16 d’abr. 2021 a les 19:54:

Missatge de David Gasa i Castell <dgasacas7 gmail com> del dia dv., 16 d’abr. 2021 a les 17:54:
I'm recently migrated to Gtk+-4 & Gtkmm-4.0, dued mainly to the height-for-width trouble mentioned one week ago.

The problem is that I don't see the way to verify that height-for-width feature is back again in a treeview cell rows.

If so, I need help to find out the changes that should be implemented in the code attached below to see how the text fits above, in the same cell, when the column size is been reduced.

---- code -----

#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <map>

class MyWindow
public Gtk::Window

virtual ~MyWindow();


void fill_treeview();

void wrap_col (Gtk::TreeViewColumn *, Gtk::CellRendererText *);

std::map<gint, Glib::ustring> messages;

// Gtkmm widgets

Gtk::Box box;

Gtk::TreeView treeview;

Gtk::Separator separator;
Gtk::Button button;

class ModelColumns
public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord

add (id);
add (message);

Gtk::TreeModelColumn<gint> id;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> message;

Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> refListStore;

Gtk::TreeRow row;

box (Gtk::Orientation::VERTICAL, 5),
button ("Close"),

messages ({
{1, "Message: one"},
{2, "Message: one two"},
{3, "Message: one two three"},
{4, "Message: one two three four"}

refListStore (Gtk::ListStore::create (model_cols))
set_title ("MyWindow");

treeview.set_model (refListStore);

treeview.append_column ("Id.",;

gint m_col =
treeview.append_column ("Message", model_cols.message)-1;

if (Gtk::TreeViewColumn * cl_message = treeview.get_column (m_col))
cl_message->connect_property_changed ("width",
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MyWindow::wrap_col), cl_message,
dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *>(treeview.get_column_cell_renderer (m_col))));

treeview.set_margin (10);

button.set_margin (10);

box.append (treeview);
box.append (separator);
box.append (button);

button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Gtk::Widget::hide));

set_child (box);


    if (!refListStore->children().empty())

for (auto & it : messages)
row = *(refListStore->append());

row[] = it.first;
row[model_cols.message] = it.second;

MyWindow::wrap_col (
Gtk::TreeViewColumn * _column, Gtk::CellRendererText * _cell_renderer)
_cell_renderer->property_wrap_mode() = Pango::WrapMode::WORD;

gint width = _column->get_width();
_cell_renderer->property_wrap_width() = width;


int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  auto app = Gtk::Application::create ("org.gtkmm");
  return app->make_window_and_run<MyWindow>(argc, argv);

David Gasa i Castell

Linux User #488832

By these changes seems to be possible to reduce the column size and the text breaks fine (word wrapping)...

if (Gtk::TreeViewColumn * cl_message = treeview.get_column (m_col))
cl_message->set_fixed_width (0);
cl_message->set_min_width (0);

cl_message->connect_property_changed ("width",
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MyWindow::wrap_col), cl_message,
dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *>(treeview.get_column_cell_renderer (m_col))));

But the rest of text line is hidden, getting something like,

Id      Messages
1       Message: one
2       Message: one
3       Message: one
4       Message: one

How could I do to get as follows ?

Id      Messages
1       Message: one
2       Message: one
3       Message: one
         two three
4       Message: one
         two three four

I found that I was probably wrong implementing the callback to wrap_col. This solution fits the text better,

if (Gtk::TreeViewColumn * cl_message = treeview.get_column (m_col))
Gtk::CellRendererText * c_message =
dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *>(treeview.get_column_cell_renderer (m_col));

c_message->property_wrap_mode() = Pango::WrapMode::WORD;
c_message->property_wrap_width() = cl_message->get_width();

The question now is to find how to clean the extra space before and after text in cells.

David Gasa i Castell

Linux User #488832

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