Re: Problem building mm-common on MSYS2

On 14/04/2021 19:07, Rob Pearce wrote:
On 14/04/2021 09:41, Kjell Ahlstedt via gtkmm-list wrote:
The installation of mm-common fails on line 17 of I don't understand what the error message refers to ("the file specified"). is a very simple Python script that just prints a warning, if appropriate. The failing Python command is

  result =['aclocal', '--print-ac-dir'],
                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,

Most likely that's the Windows error message meaning that aclocal is not installed (or not in the path)

gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org


@ Rob: As you can see in the Log of my eMail, meson finds aclocal correctly. It is also in the Path. More in my answer to Kjell

@ Kjell:
I have tried these changes - no luck. It seems either that the Python Script is "borked" (incompatible Python Version maybe??) or I miss another Dependencies. Is there a List what mm-common Depends on? Meson does not list anything else than aclocal and Python3.

It is weird that Meson find it
Program aclocal found: YES (sh C:\Dev\msys64\usr\bin/aclocal)

Also manually running aclocal results in:
aclocal --print-ac-dir

Even the Scripts finds aclocal:
autoreconf: running: aclocal --force ${ACLOCAL_FLAGS}

I have never written anything in Python before - it is only installed as a Parser. So I am out of Ideas. And yes, I checked the unpacked Tarball: Everything is correctly unpacked with "Unix (LF)".

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