Cannot `dynamic_cast` custom wrapped widget from Gtk::Builder


I have a custom widget that I've implemented in C and then used gmmproc[1] to generate C++ bindings for that widget. The process was mostly smooth, but I cannot seem to use my generated C++ bindings in Gtk::Builder::get_widget. I can post the full source code if needed, but probably there is something simple that I a missing so I'll start with what I think is most relevant: 

My widget is a relatively simple extension of GtkDrawingArea which adds the ability to pan and zoom using mouse motion and mouse wheel. It's called GtkPanZoomArea. I have created a Glade catalog XML file which allows me to use my custom widget in glade. I have successfully used my widget in an application using the plain-C API, retrieving a pointer to an instance of this widget like so:

GtkPanZoomArea* panzoom_ =

I have gone through the process of using `` and ``, and written a custom `` (using `glibmm_generate_extra_defs`) to generate def files, and I have used `gmmproc` to generate the `mm-` wrapper `Gtk::PanZoomArea`. 

Everything compiles, but when I change the above code to:

Gtk::PanZoomArea panzoom_;
builder->get_widget("overhead-view", panzoom_)


the member is assigned nullptr and I see the following errors printed to stderr:

: CRITICAL **: 13:53:12.873: Gtk::Builder::get_widget(): dynamic_cast<> failed.

The following works:

Gtk::DrawingArea* drawingarea;
builder->get_widget("overhead-view", drawingarea);


But then this subsequently does not work:

auto panzoom_ = dynamic_cast<Gtk::PanZoomArea*>(drawingarea);

My guess is that the most likely place for there to be an error is in the `.hg` file so here is the class declaration I have in `mm/panzoomarea.hg`:

class PanZoomArea : public Gtk::DrawingArea {
                 Gtk::DrawingArea, GtkDrawingArea);


And here is the type declaration in `panzoomarea.h`:



Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? The code for `get_widget_checked` in `builder.ccg`[2] looks like it would print errors if there were any problem retrieving the widget and checking the type and since it does neither of these, it seems to be a problem in `Glib::wrap`. For some reason `Glib::wrap` is constructing a C++ object other than my object. It appears to be constructing a `Gtk::DrawingArea`. Assuming the `Glib::wrap` uses the gobject type registry, I added the following in my `main()`:

auto _ignoreme = Gtk::PanZoomArea::get_type();


but this did not fix the problem. 


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