Re: Parsing custom-typed properties from Glade file

Enums are very useful for selection, combobox. I have selections and parse the number in the combox, this 
does not feel ideal.

In C with switch(...) and correct warning turned on compiler flag a warning in case a value is forgotten, I 
trick I often used to remember all cases but only work then enumerations are known at compile time. As a 
bonus work get easier for computer with numbers instead of text strings.

As I only handle types known at compile time glade file should then correct done have these and only these 
enumerations, an exact mapping. To check these agree is also an interesting problem.

Nicklas Karlsson

Is Type a custom enum? I have never tried to use such an enum in a glade 
file, but I looked at what gtk does.

Their enums are registered with g_enum_register_static(). Each enum 
value is specified with a GEnumValue, which contains a nickname. The 
nickname is used in glade files. Example:
                 <property name="direction">none</property>

On 2020-07-22 07:00, Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes via gtkmm-list wrote:
Hello, everyone.

I created a custom widget that has a Glib::Property of an enum type.
Glib::Property<Type> property_type_;

When I try to load from a glade file, I got this error message:

Gtk-WARNING **: 01:43:34.849: Failed to set property 
gtkmm__CustomObject_widget_color_slider.type to 1: Could not parse '1' 
as a glibmm__CustomBoxed_N6studio11ColorSlider4TypeE

Here is the xml property line:
            <property name="type">1</property>

How can I properly parse the property tag contents ?

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