Oops, my fault! The meson.build files were copied from the master branch, but two of them had not been enough modified to fit pangomm-1.4. I have fixed it in the git repo now.
Hi, I am not sure if this post should go here but since it is mm module.... I decided to reorganize my jhbuild framework and have to compile gtkmm. As a dependency, I have to compile pangomm-1.4 and got an error here. What caught my attention is the version of glibmm-2.4 == 2.62.0 and library needed 2.64. In the meson file if not is_msvc glibmm_generate_extra_defs_dep = cpp_compiler.find_library( 'glibmm_generate_extra_defs-2.64', ) executable('generate_extra_defs', 'generate_defs_pango.cc', dependencies: [pangomm_build_dep, glibmm_generate_extra_defs_dep], install: false, ) endif Why do we list library name explicitly? Is it mistake or I have to use some special tweak here? I am building gtkmm-3 with default jhbuild config. Thanks.