MSVC compilation of the *mm core stack from master

Since recently the MSVC projects seem to have been dropped and switched over to nmake for MSVC, I’ve gotten stuck on compiling the stack at glibmm:

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'release\x64\glibmm\glibmm.res'


Given that I have been unable to find any documentation or instructions on compiling on msvc from master, the only way I’ve managed to figure out or find for even compiling from master on msvc native (without using mingw or cygwin, so-as to avoid linking to any mingw or cygwin dlls) is using jhbuild on linux and then copy the generated .cc and .h files over to windows, and then build using those (and usually taking the *config.h files from a build of whichever library it is from, comparing to the new one, and making changes). Is there a better way to do this? It wasn’t able to find glibmm.res for the nmake build from jhbuild.



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