c++ source generation from C code


As I mentioned before, libgda was significantly modified and as
results, libgdamm is broken. I was trying to fix this. Overall, I was
very close to the final solution but it looks like the generated c++
code contains statement like:

using GdaHandlerBooleanClass = struct _GdaHandlerBooleanClass;

and it causes compilation error:
conflicting declaration...

previous declaration as ‘typedef struct GdaHandlerBinClass
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GdaHandlerBin, gda_handler_bin, GDA,
note: in definition of macro ‘G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE’
   typedef struct { ParentName##Class parent_class; }
ModuleObjName##Class;                               \

Could you please give me a hint to the solution, if any? I suspect it
is a m4 macro issue, that should be modified. 

On other matter. Do you accept merge requests to gitlab?


- Pavlo Solntsev
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