Re: Gtk::Application::get_default segfault on exit

On 20 June 2017 at 22:56, David Mugnai <dvd+gtk gnx it> wrote:
Excerpts from Daniel Boles's message of June 20, 2017 11:47 pm:
That patch was included in glibmm 2.50.1, released on 2017-04-04. So if you
have an older version, it's almost certainly that. What version do you have

I think you are right, the glibmm version (shipped with Ubuntu 17.04) is

I need to check what Debian unstable has, but I'm guessing it has .1 because I use get_default() and haven't had any crashes nor warnings from UBsan (with g++-6).

(It'll also be in glibmm 2.52, the new but API-fluid stable branch,
although a stable release of that has not been made yet.)

API-fluid because it is not yet released or because it will be shipped
with gtkmm 4?

Sorry, I realised after sending that I jumbled some words up there, and it wouldn't have been a good description even if I hadn't!

glibmm 2.52 is a new release in the glibmm-2.4 ABI. That is and will continue to be the major version of glibmm that underpins gtkmm-3. Unlike glibmm 2.50, version 2.52 gains a bit of leeway to add/remove API (but not break ABI) in cases where the existing API is deficient or buggy: symbols I can be removed, deprecated, or added if there's a good justification.

Fwiw, adding the refreturn to Application::get_default() just affects the generated method body, so it's not a break of either ABI or API.

In contrast, gtkmm-4 will use the next ABI of glibmm, i.e. the one that will evolve from the current master branch. I'm not sure what version number that will eventually have (maybe 2.54 or 2.6; I guess it depends how long it takes to mature).

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