Hi Pavlo, Dear Aitor. I have made a package for debian. Could you please take a look and provide comments and suggestions, if any? I was able to build only with --enable-maintainer-mode flag. I am planning to move forward and upload it to the debian repo. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to share. all files are here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8fjSLiFRX_PZWFnbUVfMTcxYTA?usp =sharing Best, I just downloaded all the files, thanks for sharing them! I'll have a look at them shortly, when i have time. I'm still working on simple-netaid-gtk these days. Yesterday i managed to become modal the password dialog, and now the atributes: set_hover_selection( false ); set_activate_on_single_click( false ); of the treeview are set to *false* whenever the dialog is running, turning to true again as soon as the dialog is closed. But i still didn't push the commits to gitlab [*] On the other hand, as noted in your debianization of libgdamm, you are using the quilt source format. Good... In most cases i use quilt in combination with pristine-tar (written in perl by Joey Hess), but this is only for the case of the quilt source format, not for the native or the new git source formats (this last one used frecuently in Devuan, but still not officially approved in Debian, as far as i know). Cheers, Aitor. [*] This is not propaganda, but i promise a good interface :) |