Re: Fwd: Reprogramming keyboard keys

Hi Glus,

first of all, your Entry widget already responds to key presses (so long as you have called set_editable() ).  When you push on the key with "a" on it, it puts an "a" in the widget.  So you don't need to add that functionality; it already exists.

Second, you can always connect to the signal_changed() when the user inserts text, and do what you like with their input, including changing what is displayed, e.g. if they type "w", modify the text so a "J" is inserted in the textbuffer.  I'm really struggling with a use case that makes sense outside of capitalisation, but then I'm sure there is one, especially if the input is words.


On 30/10/16 01:01, Glus Xof wrote:
Hi Ian,

Thanks a lot for your explanations, but... I don't see what al all you propose and how to apply it with Gtk::Entry widgets, while (almost to me...) they seems not to emit such key press signals, normally... even adding/setting a key press mask.

In addition, I don't see how to (safely) change the value that will be set inside the entry widget.

Some help ?



2016-10-28 21:20 GMT+02:00 Ian Martin <martin_id vodafone co nz>:

Hi Glus,

You almost certainly don't want to change what code the key outputs; its far more likely you want to change what the program does in response to that key.  If you reprogram the key, then you confuse your users; they're expecting WASD to output those letters, even if the program uses that information at times to obtain a direction.  If you reprogram the key then when they try to input a word, unexpected things happen; at best, the keyboard becomes an exercise in cryptography.

By connecting the signal_key_press_event, you can handle the input however you like; if the program determines it's not applicable, the default is that the signal is passed up to the next handler.  If you wish to block all responses to keyboard input outside your own function, simply return true (You'll possibly also have to block the key_release_event ).


On 28/10/16 22:00, Glus Xof wrote:
Hi Ian,

2016-10-28 4:31 GMT+02:00 Ian Martin <martin_id vodafone co nz>:

You probably don't want to change the value that key returns;

That's exactly what I'm trying to do...

... I need a method, or some way, capable to fix, in the scope of the application, another values to a physical keyboard keys.
... I'm wonder if Gdk::Device::set_key () should be the suitable tool. If so, if I'm not wrong... could you link me the info about the macros index... the first parameter ?

it's more likely you're trying to connect to a Gtk::Widget::signal_key_press_event().  That lets you do what you want with the signal when a user presses a key.

Check the documentation- you have to enable a mask to use this signal.

In my case is a very bad option...




On 28/10/16 04:35, Glus Xof wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm looking for the way, in Gtk+, to reprogram the keyboard keys values...

Maybe, should be possible from using: (I don't know)

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Device> device_keyboard = ...get_display()->get_default_seat()->get_keyboard();

(I don't know if I explained it so clearly...but I hope so though)


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