Re: ABI report for Glibmm, Pangomm and Cairomm

On Fr, 2016-06-24 at 17:08 +0300, Ponomarenko Andrey wrote:

The Glibmm, Pangomm and Cairomm libraries have been added recently to
the upstream ABI tracker project. The tracker performs backward
binary compatibility analysis for the recent versions of libraries:

The reports are generated daily with the help of the abi-compliance-
checker and abi-tracker tools:

Hope this will help users, maintainers and developers of libraries to
maintain backward compatibility.

Thanks. But this would be more useful if it understood about stable and
unstable development cycles. ABI changes are to be expected between
unstable releases, but not when comparing stable releases.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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