Re: Single and double clicks on a row in treeview (gtkmm 2)

I've never done that. Perhaps calling get_tree_view()->get_cursor() from the slot? It's reasonable to think that focus_in should happen before signal_changed...

On 2016/07/08 02:47, Kamalpreet Grewal wrote:
Thank you for your reply. I am using the former approach. I also want to keep a track of which column of the row is clicked. For the slot connected to TreeView::signal_row_activated() which had arguments (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col), I was able to get the column clicked using 'col' here. Taking TreeSelection::signal_changed(), since the associated slot does not take any arguments, what can be the method to get the column of the selected row on which mouse was clicked?

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