gmmproc parsing problem in cluttermm

I've finally got some time to relook at the cluttermm bindings again. I have a problem with regenerating the defs files that I think is probably due to some funky code in clutter: the clutter API uses inheritance in the C code, but in a very C sort of way. For example, this creates a new ClutterBindConstraint, but returns a ClutterConstraint * :

ClutterConstraint * clutter_bind_constraint_new (ClutterActor *source,
ClutterBindCoordinate  coordinate,
gfloat                 offset);

which I think is why when parses the code all the ClutterBindConstraint methods are parsed as ( global ) functions, not methods.

I'm OK with having to manually go through the defs file and correct it all, but would like to know first that I'm not missing something?


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