Re: Replace Gtk::manage() with std::unique_ptr<>?

One thing about this bothers me:

Unlike a call to Gtk::manage(), a call to std::move() suggests that we
shouldn't touch the std::unique_ptr<Widget> again. But we have some API
that seems to require that. For instance, we have code in
that would end up a little like this:

  auto widget = std::make_unique<Button>("some button");
  notebook.append_page(std::move(widget), "something");
  notebook.child_property_tab_expand(*widget) = true;

That would work, but it's scary to use widget after we've called
std::move() on it. This doesn't seem much better:

  auto widget = std::make_unique<Button>("some button");
  Gtk::Widget* widget_to_expand = *widget;
  notebook.append_page(std::move(widget), "something";
notebook.child_property_tab_expand(*widget_to_expand) = true;

It would be difficult to change our API to make it unnecessary to ever refer to a child Widget* after we've 
added it to a container.


On Fri, 2016-02-05 at 14:47 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
The trend in modern C++ is to use std::unique_ptr<> by default to
express ownership, usually via std::make_unique() (in C++14), insead
using a raw pointer via a "naked new".

So, unless you know something else is necessary, this would be good:
  auto thing = std::make_unique<Thing>();
instead of this:
  auto thing = new Thing();
  Thing* thing = new Thing();

It's also considered wise to receive a std::unique_ptr as a parameter
if the method really plans to take ownership. For instance:
  void Foo::take_thing(std::shared_ptr<Thing> thing);

So I was wondering if we could use this idea instead of
which has much the same sense of "take ownership", and eventually
deprecate Gtk::manage().

Then we could do this, for instance:
  auto button = std::make_unique<Gtk::Button>("a button");
instead of this:
  auto button = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button>("a button"));

This would work too, I think:
  container.add(std::make_unique<Gtk::Button>("a button"));

Then we would be using standard C++ syntax/API instead of custom

However, it would need us to add overloads for methods that currently
take Widget& parameters. But I think that's doable. For instance:

void Container::add(std::unique_ptr<Widget> widget)


Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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