Re: gtkmm 4: Glib::ustring: implicit conversions with streams

The conversions done by Glib::ustring are reasonable, at least if the read or written stream uses the global locale. A std::locale contains a codecvt facet, used for converting between one character encoding in the stream (file) and a possibly different character encoding in main memory. But Glib::ustring shall always contain UTF-8 encoded characters, independent of the stream's locale and codecvt facet. It's reasonable that ustring's operator<<() and operator>>() convert between UTF-8 and the stream's main memory encoding.

The drawback with the present version of ustring is that it converts between UTF-8 and the encoding of the global locale, even if the stream uses another locale, set with std::ios_base::imbue(). I don't know if this can be improved with a reasonable effort.


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