Re: gtkmm Monitoring IO example

On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 15:13:48 +0200
Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:
When I tested the input example program on my dual-core PC, I got the 
same result: The CPU load on one of the cores is 100% after something
is written to the fifo. Most of the relevant code is in glib. I don't
know all details, but this is what I found:

Before anything is written to the fifo, the program waits at
    read_fd = open("testfifo", O_RDONLY);
without using much CPU time (perhaps no time at all).
Once the fifo contains data to read, open() returns, and the program 
enters the main loop at
After that, the fifo is monitored by polling. Polling is inefficient. 
Probably it's the only possible way that the OS offers. It does seem
a bit extreme to use all available CPU time for polling, but probably
it's normal behaviour.

Assuming we are talking about a unix-like system, it certainly isn't.
glib will either call poll() or select() and block in a separate i/o
thread, and I think it is poll() which it uses.  Neither should busy
wait, assuming the waiting input is correctly extracted from the file
descriptor which has become ready.

I suspect there is something wrong with the example code, possibly
to do with the way Glib::IOChannel is used with the version of
Glib::SignalIO::connect() which takes a file descriptor rather than the
IOChannel object itself - it would be worth trying the version of
Glib::signal_io().connect which takes the IOChannel object.  Possibly
something goes amiss if you don't do that, but that's a guess.

As an aside, I have always found Glib::IOChannel and GIOChannel quite
difficult to use and I avoid them.  The Gio namespace offers better
functionality.  Where Glib::SignalIO::connect() comes into use is if
you have a raw file descriptor which you want to read when it comes
available using something like unix read(): then, the version of
Glib::SignalIO::connect() which takes a descriptor can be very useful.


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