Re: gstreamermm-1.4.3

>> Yes, confused now. Do you mean the requirement is gio and not libxml?

Sorry Markus for confusion again, I will try to explain in more detai what I meant:
latest 'gstreamer' sources depend on libxml header (it only includes a header in it's original sources,), so there is no real dependency on libxml since no libxml library is not needed on link time... and 'gst-net' depends on gio. which in turn depends on glib.
And since I built 'gst-net', that's why I said 'gstreamer' as "all in one build" needs glib and libxml(header).
and since gstreamermm depends on gstreamer one obviously have to build glib again including it's dependencies....

>> But gio is the base of nearly everything doing I/O, isn't it?

Yes, but not for Windows users, Windows users need to build a whole host of dependencies before even trying to build gstremermm. or any other *mm package. 

>> It is also quite useful for platform independent high-level network stuff.

Yes, I love working with "cross platform" and mostly C++ *.mm bindings, since it's the most clean C++ API IMHO, no need to use ugly macros and external tools in order to build applications, unlike ie. in Qt which claims to be C++ API and does not even implement namespaces..

I'm probably going out of scope now, but here is a post I wrote once about my look at C++ GUI API's:


On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Markus Kolb <markus kolb+gtkmm tower-net de> wrote:
Am 2015-02-26 02:44, schrieb codekiddy:
Are you sure?
sorry for confusion, I'm reffering to glib as "all in one" (glib, gio,
gmodule etc...) , only gst-net depends on *gio* :)

Yes, confused now. Do you mean the requirement is gio and not libxml?
But gio is the base of nearly everything doing I/O, isn't it?
It is also quite useful for platform independent high-level network stuff.
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