How to test Gio::SocketClient::connect_to_h ost_async()?


I've already the next question...

I'd like to test my SmtpClient code which will be part of a Gtk App.
But for test it should be called from a Gio::Application.

Now I've the problem, that the Gio::Application exits before the
connect_to_host_async calls its SlotAsyncReady.

At least I think this, because the output is...
on_activate() started
on_activate() finished
and I'm missing the
on_connect_async_ready output from the SmtpClient::on_connect_async_ready() in between, somehow.

What must be done, that the test app waits for its async-stuff?
I've already tried with a simple sleep(20) in on_activate() because the connect timeout is set to 10 seconds and 20 seconds should be enough time to get the SlotAsyncReady called.
But it is not called.
Must be that I don't understand how this works behind the scenes, but couldn't find documentation.

Can you please give me some hints?!

#include "SmtpClient.h"
#include <giomm/application.h>
#include <iostream>

Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Application> app;

void on_activate()
  std::cerr << "on_activate() started" << std::endl;
  SmtpClient client("", 25, "test example com", false);
  std::cerr << "on_activate() finished" << std::endl;

int main (int argc, char **argv)
  app = Gio::Application::create("eu.n4v.battleship");
  return app->run(argc, argv);

Here some snippets of SmtpClient class...

SmtpClient::SmtpClient(const Glib::ustring& smtp_server, const guint& smtp_port, const Glib::ustring& smtp_from, bool tls_enable);

void SmtpClient::connect() const
m_p_sock_client-> (m_smtp_server, m_smtp_port, sigc::mem_fun(this, &SmtpClient::on_connect_async_ready));

The m_p_sock_client = Gio::SocketClient::create();

void SmtpClient::on_connect_async_ready(Glib::RefPtr<Gio::AsyncResult>& result) const
  std::cerr << "on_connect_async_ready" << std::endl;
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::SocketConnection> con = m_p_sock_client->connect_to_host_finish(result);
  if (con == 0)
  } else

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