C++ and gobject

Hi, this is a general question on C++ and gtk+, or actually gobject.  I believe that gtkmm is still more or less manually maintained over the gtk+ API.

The question is, gobject now has gobject insepction that supposelyl allows automatic binding of different languages to the gobject based APIs.  Can that be used to create a C++ wrapper for gobject libraries?  Say a C++ header file for static compiling of C++ code using gtk+.  (Is it possible?  Maybe not optimal?)

Another question is that, is it possible to create wrappers to make C++ classes to appear as gobject classes so one can use C++ to implement base classes that can then be wrapped in gobject classes for interaction with other gobjects?

Andy Tai, atai atai org, Skype: licheng.tai
Year 2015 民國104年

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