I don't understand why this signal is not emited

I connect this signal :

  Gtk::Entry* E1 = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::Entry() );
  E1->signal_editing_done().connect( sigc::mem_fun( this,
  &GTKMM_engine::test ) )

the API says :
  "Gtk::Entry is emitting it when the user presses Enter."

the `test` function is just a 
  std::cout << "test" << std::endl;

so if `E1` is focused and if I hit `enter` I should get `test`called
right ? because actually `test` is not called and I don't see why.

Actually what I'm trying to do is to call `test`, when the user
press enter when `E1` is focused, but I also want to call it when `E1`
lost the focus (by clicking somewhere else).


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