Re: Gtk::Grid::attach_next_to

On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:16:37 +0000
Thomas Harty <t harty1 physics ox ac uk> wrote:
Okay, that's what I'd assumed.

Bug filed at

Related: what's the best way to get the number of rows/columns
currently in a Gtk::Grid?

I have never had to to that, and I don't think you can, other than by
keeping either a mental note or, if you are not constructing the grid
statically, some state variable(s) which will tell you.

You might find that just using the add() method inherited from
Gtk::Container will do what you want.  The documentation states that
"Grid can be used like a Box by just using Gtk::Container::add(), which
will place children next to each other in the direction determined by
the 'orientation' property".  Quite how that works (if it does) where
there is more than one row or column in the desired direction I am not
sure, but you could try it and see (GtkBox is the same as GtkGrid with
rank 1 in one of its dimensions).

If that doesn't work I should just use the C interface if it is


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