Den 2014-10-01 11:16, Ahmet Öztürk
It has probably just been overlooked. I'm sure it will be included in some future version of gtkmm.Hello everybody, According to the Gtk+ documentation GtkSearchEntry emits a "search-changed" signal besides the standard "changed" signal. I could not find a counterpart for this signal in Gtk::SearchEntry. Is there a special reason why it is not wrapped? Is there a way to use the C signal in a Gtkmm program? Best regards, Ahmet You can call the glib function g_signal_connect(), e.g. like so: Â void my_signal_handler(GtkSearchEntry* entry, gpointer user_data); Â g_signal_connect(my_search_entry_instance.gobj(), "search-changed", (GCallback)my_signal_handler, user_data); Kjell |