Have you tried:
Glib::RefPtr<Query> query = QueryAllocation::create();It's not very nice, but if it works, it's better than fiddling with unreference() and reference().
Glib::RefPtr<QueryAllocation> alloc_query = Glib::RefPtr<QueryAllocation>::cast_dynamic(query);
The obvious suggestion is to fix do_sth(). It's really odd to require refcount==1.
Den 2014-11-21 10:18, Marcin Kolny skrev:
I've got following problem;
I've got a class Query, which is base class for QueryAllocation. Passing \
QueryAllocation object as Query to a function is pretty simple because of automatic cas\
void do_sth(const RefPtr<Query>& query);
RefPtr<QueryAllocation> alloc_query = QueryAllocation::create ();
do_sth (alloc_query);
But... in do_sth method, refcount of my object equals 2 (because casting \
increases ref count, it's obvious). Unfortunately, I have to have refcoun\
t=1 in do_sth method, so that's what I'm doing now:
RefPtr<QueryAllocation> alloc_query = QueryAllocation::create();
RefPtr<Query> query = alloc_query;
It's workaround.. that would be great, if I can do something like "unmana\
ged RefPtr". It might look like this:
RefPtr<QueryAllocation> alloc_query = QueryAllocation::create();
do_sth(RefPtr<Query>(alloc_query, false));
And constructor declaration:
template<typename T>
RefPtr(const RefPtr<T>& src, bool manage = true);
If 'manage' equals false, RefPtr doesn't increase/decrease refcount durin\
g construction and destruction. I know, it's unsafe, and might lead to a \
problems, if somebody uses it wrong, but it allows me to remove a lot of \
magic from my code.
Of course, it's only conceptual solution, maybe it would be better to do \
single function instead of constructor, ideas are welcome.
Best regards,
Marcin Kolny