Re: Gtk::MenuToolButton icons not showing

I have just discovered that this isn't confined to Gtk::MenuToolButton, it happens when attempting to re-use a Gtk::Image instance in multiple Gtk::ListBoxRows as well.

On 07/07/2014 12:27 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:

2014-07-05 23:08, Phil Wolff skrev:
I'm using GTKMM 3.10.1 on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04. I've got three Gtk::MenuToolButtons in my UI, and I want the same icon to appear on all three of them. This seems not to work -- my icon appears only on the last button to be instantiated, and the first two have no icon, only the activate arrow. To get my icon to appear on all three buttons, I've had to fetch the icon as a Gdk::Pixmap and create from it three unique Gtk::Image instances, one for each button. Should I presume there's some arcane Gtk requirement that makes this necessary?

If you can give me a (preferably short) test case to experiment with, I can look into this. I don't know if it's a bug or by design.
And, in a closely related but extremely minor issue, I've noticed that run-time error messages related to Gtk::Image problems in Gtk::Builder mis-identify the source, e.g.

gtkmm-CRITICAL **: gtkmm: Gtk::_Buidler_: widget `FolderIcon' was not found in the GtkBuilder file, or the specified part of it.
I've fixed the typo in Gtk::Builder.


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