Re: Missing Icons from Widgets...

2013-10-17 10:13, Murray Cumming skrev:
On Wed, 2013-10-16 at 10:11 -0700, Andrew Potter wrote:
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Glus Xof <gtglus gmail com> wrote:
Hi guys,

Probably, I'm a little lost, sorry... but I think that you should know
something about these icons that appear in wigets (like Gtk::Entry,
Gtk::SpinButton...) and since this last release Gtkmm 3.10.0 they figure as
This likely stems from a change in GTK+. There is a very long
discussion on the gtk-devel mailing list starting here:

Long story short, for now you'll need to manually set the
always-use-image and always-show-image properties on buttons and menus
respectively to get your icons back.
However, if you are seeing missing icon images in GtkSpinButton, as I
am, it's probably something else missing in our setup. In my case, I'm
using jhbuild and kind of expect some misconfiguration.

I tested with the example programs book/spinbutton and book/dialogs/messagedialog in the gtkmm tutorial, and only saw the missing-image icon. When I updated with the latest versions of glib and gtk+ from the git repository, the icons in spin buttons were fixed, but the ones in message dialogs are still just missing-image icons. This problem is discussed in (gtk+) (glib)

The gtk+ bug has been fixed, and that solved the problem for spin buttons.
The patch in the glib bug has not yet been pushed. I think it will solve the icon problem in message dialogs.

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