Re: Gtk::Widget::on_hide

The G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS macro is probably dereferencing gobject_, e.g., replacing it with gobject_->class or some such...
-- Alan

On 11/18/2013 6:53 AM, John Emmas wrote:
I'm trying to debug a program which keeps crashing in 'Gtk::Widget::on_hide()'. Here's what that function looks like:-
    void Gtk::Widget::on_hide()
      BaseClassType *const base = static_cast<BaseClassType*>(
g_type_class_peek_parent(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(gobject_)) // Get the parent class of the object class (The original underlying C class).

      if(base && base->hide)

Every time the crash occurs, variable 'gobject_' is always NULL. Although I'm currently trying to figure out why, the above code looks (to my untrained eye) as though it should be reasonably well behaved with a NULL gobject_. It looks as if that function should be safe, even when gobject_ is NULL. Is that a reasonable assessment or just wishful thinking on my part?
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