Re: Is gtkmm deleting stuff it shouldn't be deleting ??

On 2 Nov 2013, at 15:05, Tim O'Neil wrote:

Same version of gtkmm, but on linux (mint "maya", gcc 4.7.3) both problematic 
proggies work as expected,

Hi Tim and thanks for trying my samples so quickly!

If I'm absolutely honest the fact that it works with gcc doesn't give me much confidence.  I've always found 
gcc to be very lax when it comes to memory management.  gcc seems quite happy to let you carry on using 
memory after it's been deleted as well as allowing you to use memory that's no longer in scope and even 
delete memory that already got deleted earlier!  MSVC is hugely less forgiving in those respects.  I'm pretty 
certain this will be a problem in one of the "mm" libraries somewhere  :-(


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