On 27/05/13 17:20, Juan Angel Moreno
umm where does the erase function come from, I did this Gtk::ListViewText::SelectionList sellst = m_listviewtextAvailable->get_selected(); if(sellst.empty()) return; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator sel_it = m_listviewtextAvailable->get_selection()->get_selected(); int sel = sellst[0]; Glib::ustring selrow = m_listviewtextAvailable->get_text(sel); erase(sel_it); and I get a compile error on erase the compiler cannot find it??
.~. In my life God comes first.... /V\ but Linux is pretty high after that :-D /( )\ Francis (Grizzly) Smit ^^-^^ http://www.smit.id.au/ |