Re: Error compiling webkitmm

gtkmm/gtk/src/printoperation.hg has a signal that returns a Widget*,

  #m4 _CONVERSION(`Widget*',`GObject*',`G_OBJECT(Glib::unwrap($3))')
  #m4 _CONVERSION(`GObject*',`Widget*',`Glib::wrap(GTK_WIDGET($3))')
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(Widget* create_custom_widget(), "create_custom_widget")

The corresponding gtk+ signal returns GObject*. Perhaps it can give you some hints what to do. You can also look at gtkmm/tools/m4/convert_gtk.m4.
I tried to look at your code, using the link you sent about a week ago,, but it seems the link target does not exist now. I know the link worked a few days ago. (It doesn't matter to me.)


2013-03-22 06:06, Dannick Pomerleau skrev:
This is older code. Here is the original release announcement:

Back in the day I believe he was able to get it to compile. Fooled around a bit and I learned that the m4 file is converting it with from a reference to a pointer.

/usr/bin/perl -I"/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/pm" -- "/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/gmmproc" -I ../../tools/m4 --defs . webinspector . ../webkitmm
No conversion from WebView to WebKitWebView* defined (line: , parameter name: (*static_cast<SlotType*>(slot))(_CONVERT(WebKitWebView*,WebView&,p0,44)


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