Re: Glib::ustring move constructor and C++11 features

There is a gtkmm-list thread from November 2012, discussing move constructors in gtkmm and glibmm. The thread starts at

Move constructors will most probably be added in the future, but I don't know if it will be in the near future or in the far future. It all depends on volunteers. If you're willing to do some of the job yourself, you're welcome.


2013-02-13 16:03, Doesnt Stop skrev:
you could use std::u16string or std::u32string instead of Glib::ustring; they would handle hebrew, no problem.ÂTake advantage of C++11 new features!


----- Original Message -----

From: tombackton gmail com

Sent: 02/12/13 01:13 PM

To: gtkmm-list gnome org

Subject: Glib::ustring move constructor and C++11 features

Hi everybody, 

I've been writing an application which loads a possibly long 
Glib::ustring from a file and stores it as a data member of a c++ class 
I wrote. I wanted to use a move-constructor to pass that string to the 
class constructor by rvlaue reference, but Glibmm doesn't use C++11 

Are glibmm and gtkmm going to use C++11 features? I mean, should I write 
my code while assuming I should expect glibmm and gtkmm to offer move 
constructors and other useful C++11 features (e.g. std::shared_ptr) in 
the near future? 

Anatoly Krasner 

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