C++ wrapper for libwnck


FYI I've implemented a C++ wrapper for libwnck (Window Navigator
Construction Kit)[1]. The code generator and the API style are the same
as used in the Gobject and Gtk C++ wrappers. The wrapper is already
quite usable: I did not have any problems replacing the libwnck C API
uses in the Emerald window decorator ([2], if anyone's interested).
Having said that, there's slight chance that the API will be changed, so
the library is still in beta state.

Currently only the 2.XX branch has been wrapped; I'll wrap the 3.XX
branch when I port Emerald to Gtk 3.

Hopefully the wrapper will be useful for someone.

The code resides here[3].


[1]: git.gnome.org/browse/libwnck/
[2]: github.com/p12tic/emerald
[3]: github.com/p12tic/wnckmm

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