Popup menu from Glade/Gtk::Builder with accelerators


I have succesfully created my GUI, including menu bar and popup menu with Glade.

There are options in Glade (I'm using the plugin in Anjuta, if it matters) for specifying handlers for signals, but I haven't got that to work -- I suppose those options are only for C and plain Gtk? No problems, I connect handlers to the relevant signals in code:

   builder->get_widget("menuitemPopupTest", menuitemPopupTest);
      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MenuTest::on_menuPopupTest_activate));

In Glade I can also specify accelerators for menu items. They work excellently out of the box, but only for the menu items in the menu bar. In the popup menues, the key combination I specified ("Ctrl+P") show up correctly, but nothing happens when I press those keys.

I'm pretty sure I have to do something with an AccelGroup, judging from


But the examples found there use Gtk::UIManager, and it is not at all clear to me how that relates to Gtk::Builder. Clearly, when using Gtk::Builder, there is a lot of magic taking place behind the scenes, seeing that I got the main menu working with accelerators without having to write any code at all. What is the cleanest way to let my popup menu be accelerated as well?

For what it is worth, I have prepared a minimal testcase, demonstrating what I have done so far:


Thanks in advance!
-- Johan Winge

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