Re: gdkmm: how to destroy gdk window?

Have you looked at the custom widget example in the gtkmm tutorial?

Two differences between your code and the custom widget example strike me.

1. In on_realize() you have set_window(get_parent_window()) instead of set_window(_event_window).

2. In on_unrealize() you have set_realized(false) where the custom widget example has Gtk::Widget::on_unrealize().
   Gtk::Widget::on_unrealize() calls gtk_widget_real_unrealize() which among other things calls gdk_window_destroy().

The custom widget example is written for gtkmm3. I don't know if some details are different in gtkmm2.

This bug discusses the warning that you get:
I have written some of the comments in that bug, but I don't remember all the details now.


2013-04-17 23:01, Виталий Кирсанов skrev:
Please call me an earth worm if I'm using this mailing list inapropriately. But maybe somebody can help me.

Status quo: I have a custom widget (MyWidget) with an event window.
Problem: if I create, show and then, later, hide and destroy the widget I get the following message from the application:

Gdk-WARNING **: losing last reference to undestroyed window

What I've found out: I've had a look in gdkwindow.c file and this message is reported whenGDK_WINDOW_DESTROYED(window) == FALSE. So the thing I do not understand is how I should destroy my window correctly so that eventually gdk_window_destroy() function is called. I thought that the best place to call it was the Gdk::~Window() destructor. But it's empty. And moreovergdk_window_destroy() is absent in file at all.

The on_realize() and on_unrealize() call-backs are below.

class MyWidget
 : public Gtk::Widget
    Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>   _event_window;

void Gtk::MyWidget::on_realize()
    GdkWindowAttr       attributes;
    const Allocation    & allocation = get_allocation();

    attributes.event_mask = GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK;

    attributes.x = allocation.get_x();
    attributes.y = allocation.get_y();
    attributes.width = allocation.get_width();
    attributes.height = allocation.get_height();
    attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
    attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;

    _event_window = Gdk::Window::create(get_parent_window(), &attributes, GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y);



void Gtk::MyWidget::on_unrealize()


Best regards,
Vitaly Kirsanov
ICQ: 193259120

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