Gtkmm program with strange crashes

I'm having some weird problem with my Gtkmm program. I updated it to only load one dialog with Gtk::Builder if that dialog is needed. I only changed the time it is loaded and moved it into it's own .ui-file and now my program crashes on usage of this dialog, but _only sometimes and not at construction of the dialog_. What is really strange is that the program crashes in a part of the code I didn't modify and that should not be influenced by Gtk::Builder:


ref_year_ListStore is a RefPtr to a ListStore for a combobox with only one column (ustring) and is initalized in the constructor of my class. It is not modified anywhere else, it is only dereferenced and passed to Combobox::set_model. Here is the initialization:

ref_year_ListStore = Gtk::ListStore::create(combobox_year_column);

I have two types of crashes, one where it crashes when dereferencing the RefPtr, and one where it crashes in clear(). I've added the stack traces as attachments. Has anyone got an idea where this crash could come from?

Attachment: Stack Trace 1
Description: Text document

Attachment: Stack Trace 2
Description: Text document

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