Re: Gtk::ComboBox::get_active_id() documentation

void Gtk::ComboBox::get_active_id(const Glib::ustring & active_id)
calls the gtk+ function
gboolean gtk_combo_box_set_active_id(GtkComboBox *combo_box, const gchar *active_id)

The documentation has been copied from the gtk+ function.
There are two errors with the gtkmm function.
1. It should be called set_active_id.
2. It should return bool.

The best thing to do now would be to deprecate
   void Gtk::ComboBox::get_active_id(const Glib::ustring & active_id)
and add a new function that also calls gtk_combo_box_set_active_id(),
   bool Gtk::ComboBox::set_active_id(const Glib::ustring & active_id)
When API can be broken, the erroneous get_active_id() can be removed.

It's possible that the bug will be fixed as a result of your message to the gtkmm-list, but if you want to be sure it won't be forgotten, you should file a bug report in Bugzilla.


2012-10-08 20:07, Phil Wolff skrev:
The documentation says

    void Gtk::ComboBox::get_active_id(const Glib::ustring & active_id)
    Changes the active row of combo_box...
    Returns: true if a row with a matching ID was found...

Void, but it returns a value?

g++ says no, it can't return a value.

If it can't return a value, and it changes the active row, why is it called "get..." rather than "set..."?

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