Re: About Dialog : Close button to close dialog?

There is an AboutDialog example at
but I don't think it's mentioned in the gtkmm tutorial. It uses Dialog::show() to show it as a modeless dialog box.

Alternatively, you can show a modal AboutDialog with Dialog::run() as in the MessageDialog example.


2012-03-22 21:15, harryhaaren gmail com skrev:
Hey all,

I've created an "About" dialog using Glade, getting that widget from a file using
refBuilder->get_widget("aboutDialog", aboutDialog);
A simple "aboutDialog->show();" shows the dialog, but when I click the close button it doesn't do anything.

So I looked into getting the button using get_widget(), but its in a ButtonBox, so I don't have access...
Looked in the programming book, but I'm still a bit confused..

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