Re: Application crash but when I swap lines it works.

W dniu 12 marca 2012 16:14 użytkownik Łukasz Gąsiorek
<lukaszgpl gmail com> napisał:
> Hi!
> Code is here
> Look at the lines 80, 81, 82 and 93.
> When I swap lines 81 and 82 app works. What is wrong?

I do wonder if declaring m_cols as 'const Columns' in ContactList is
not messing some things up. I mean - it probably should be non-const,
because referring to members of const instance makes the members also
const, that is - they are of type e.g. 'const
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring>' instead of
'Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring>'. And this probably doing
something weird in line with 'row[] = contact;' where
operator[] of row is some kind of templated function.

This is a wild guess I made after reading the code - I did not try to
compile it. I suppose that compiling with warning flags (like -Wall
and -Wextra) gives no clues, eh?

> Thanks
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