Re: gtkmm 3.4.0 - Gtk::Switch where is the signal "activate"?

2012-06-19 18:00, Giuseppe Penone skrev:
I would like to use the signal "activate" of the widget Gtk::Switch (which I discovered through glade signals tab), I see that it exists in gtk 3.2: but it is not mentioned on
and the "m_switch.signal_activate()" causes error at compilation time.

The description of GtkSwitch-activate that you link to says "Applications should never connect to this signal, but use the notify::active signal." That's why this signal is not wrapped in gtkmm. I wonder if it's really a good thing that it appears in glade.

It's not obvious how to connect to the notify::active signal from a C++ program. I think this how to do it:

void MyWidget::on_switch_active_changed();
m_switch.property_active().signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyWidget::on_switch_active_changed));

I admit that it looks complicated. Does anyone know an easier way?


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