Re: ustring byte index vs character index (API 2.4)

I think something like the following code will do the job, but it seems a bit contrived. It uses the fact that Glib::ustring::iterator steps through characters, but the underlying std::string::iterator only knows about bytes.

Glib::ustring str = ..............;
const std::string::const_iterator std_begin = str.begin().base();
for (Glib::ustring::const_iterator iter = str.begin(); iter != str.end(); ++iter)
  const int byte_index = iter.base() - std_begin;


2012-06-15 10:20, Yann Leydier skrev:

I hope this is the right place to ask, I have a problem with Pangomm::GliphString::index_to_x(). One argument of the method is a byte index in a ustring, and I need to call the method on each character.

However there seems to be no way of knowning where characters begin in a ustring's byte field.

ustring::bytes() returns the number of bytes wheras ustring::size() returns the number of characters, but I found no way of stepping through characters using their byte index. Is there some kind of "next_character(size_t position)" method or is this a flaw in Pangomm integration ?


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