Re: signal on selecting a row in TreeView


Connect a function with following prototype to signal_changed of Gtk::TreeView
     void YourClass::YourFunction(void)

This function is going to be called each time there is a change in selection (for multiple selections as well)
You might want to consider using Gtk::Selection (RefPtr returned from a 
called to YourTreeView.get_selection()) if you have multiple selection 
enabled for the tree view.
You'll find the above story in better detail in the link below.
(Its the same for Gtkmm 2.x as well)

Mohith Manoj,
Asst. Manager (R&D),
Skanray Technologies PVT.LTD
Mob: +919886742571
Ph : +918212415559
Fax: +918212403344

On 16 August 2012 11:09 AM, Praveen Tiwari wrote:
Can any body help me to figure out the name of the signal raised on
selecting a row (single click on row) in a TreeView, i am using
Liststrore as a model .

Thanks in advance
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